Yes, you can write rolling updates with additional tasks into Ansible plays.
Group specific behavior can come from group_vars, or additional plays run only on certain groups.
# playbook
- name: Pre OS update
hosts: A,B,C
# bring services down or other prep steps
- update_pre
- name: Update and reboot
hosts: A,B,C,D
order: inventory
# Rolling updates: do play to completion one host at a time
serial: 1
- update_servers
# Roles enable reuse: different hosts but same tasks
# Move groups to their own play for a desired order
# or for a different sequence of tasks
- name: Update and reboot special group E
hosts: E
- update_pre
- update_servers
- update_post
# roles/update_servers/tasks/main.yml
- win_updates:
category_names: '*'
# win_reboot task probably not required
reboot: yes
# If not a Windows service, add other tasks here
# or in follow-up roles
- name: Post update service bounce
name: "{{ item }}"
state: restarted
loop: "{{ update_restart_services | default([]) }}"
# group_vars/C.yml
- alpha
- beta
# group_vars/D.yml
- alpha
- beta
- gamma