
"centos dhcpd server include external file" failed

sc flag

this is /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

allow booting;
allow bootp;

ignore client-updates;
set vendorclass = option vendor-class-identifier;

include /etc/dhcpd-reservations.conf;


shared-network managed {
  interface "eth1";
  subnet {{test ip range}} netmask {
  option routers {{test router ip}};
  option broadcast-address {{test broadcast ip}};

  group {
    host ztp-dis { hardware ethernet 50:01:00:09:00:00; fixed-address {{test ip}}; }

but I get,,

DHCPDISCOVER from 50:01:00:09:00:00 via {{ip}}: network managed: no free leases

If I dont use external file, this config is normal working.

vidarlo avatar
ar flag
Does by any chance SELinux or a chroot configure how dhcpd sees the world?

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