
Create vdisk in PERC H710 Mini under Debian 11

jo flag

I have a refurbished Dell R720 server with the PERC H710 Mini raid controller. I can assemble vdisks from physical disk in the BIOS. However, I'd like to create a vdisk without rebooting. I've installed Debian 11 and added the srvadmin tools using these following instructions.

First, I've tried to manage the disks using the idracadm7 command. Some resources indicate that there should be a storage subcommand, but not according to idracadm7 help.

I've found the idracadm7 raid get xxx command with which I can query information about virtual or physical disks or the controller. But this command seems to be read-only. The same is true when I connect remotely with idracadm7 -r hostname -u user -p password and a custom openssl config to allow TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1. Here I'm a bit confused because the built-in help refers to the tool as racadm instead of idracadm7. I'm using RACADM version 8.4.0.

Finally, I've discovered omconfig for which I had to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to openssl 1.0.0 libraries. However, here, the built-in help, doesn't show any subcommands even though I'm logged in as root and the dataeng service is running.

root@r720# omconfig -?
omconfig         Configures component properties.  
The available command(s) are:  
Command          Description  
Error! User has insufficient privileges to run command.  

For me it's difficult to tell,

  • which approach should work,
  • which approach fails due to missing drivers,
  • which approach fails because its a paid-subscription feature,
  • which approach fails because the software is outdated (and libraries are incompatible), and
  • which approach fails because the commands (like storage) describe a different version.

How can I create a vdisk in PERC H710 Mini under Debian 11? Do you expect any of the above methods to work? What would you suggest to fix the issues?

us flag

apt install libncurses5 and restart and the wrong message about missing priviledges should go away, according to this link.

After that omconfig storage vdisk -? is the subcommand you are looking for. The racadm-commands configure/show the iDRAC - not other components (in this case: storage).

sauerburger avatar
jo flag
Thanks, this worked. Additionally, I missed the `srvadmin-storageservices` package.

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