
How can I test the NGINX 5xx error configuration (generate a 5xx error)?

in flag

I am setting up a new web server using NGINX and I would like to test the error page configuration. This is easy enough to do for a 404 but I want to test the 5xx configuration and so need to at least be able to generate one of the 500-series errors from a request.

Can anyone give me a clue please as to how to do that?

Ivan Shatsky avatar
gr flag
Use `return 500;` or any other code, it will trigger your custom error page :)
us flag

I'm pretty sure you could use try_files with a nonexistent file. The command has a fallback option that can throw an error code of your choice: try_files file ... =code; guide here, docs here

server {  
    listen 80;
    root /www/data;

    location /throw_500 {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =503;

In this case, just access http://server/throw_500 (empty $uri passed) and the error will be thrown.

in flag
Many that @rgon, what you've given does work and I've given it an upvote. However, there is also a simpler answer based on Ivan's comment.
in flag

The simplest answer is to use a non-existant location containing a return 500; statement.

server {  
    listen 80;

    location /throw503 {
        return 503;

Many thanks to Ivan and rgon. I couldn't see the wood for the trees


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