
Terraform source Gitlab module

cn flag

I need help with sourcing terraform modules from a gitlab repository with multiple modules in it like ec2, vpc etc. I have two branches in module repo - develop and main. I tried all the ways below but got an error. I am sourcing something like below. I need ssh only, not https.

source = "git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git//ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git//ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git/ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules/ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules//ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]/repo_name/modules//ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git//ec2"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git?ref=ec2"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git?ref=develop//ec2"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git/develop/ec2"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git//ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules.git/develop/ec2"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules/ec2?ref=develop"
"git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules//ec2"

This is the error I am getting

│ Module "ec2" (declared at compute/ line 1)
│ has invalid source address
│ "git::ssh://[email protected]:repo_name/modules//ec2": Terraform
│ cannot detect a supported external module source type for
th flag

Here's a working example from one of my projects:

module "sql_cluster" {
  source = "git::ssh://[email protected]/foo/bar/tf-modules.git//data/database-cluster?ref=main"

Here, the branch name is "main", but note that it could be a tag or other reference.

eg flag

This worked for me for a private repository in the company gitlab

anx avatar
fr flag
We highly prefer answers that *contain* not merely *reference* the solution.
ph flag
While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. - [From Review](/review/late-answers/536615)

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