
How to hide restricted nginx subdomains?

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To hide a restricted location, e.g.

location /secret/ {
 deny all;

one could set

error_page 403 =404 /404.html;
error_page 404 /404.html;

to make impossible to distinguish a non-existing location (404) from a restricted one (403).

Is there a way to perform a similar spoof for subdomains?

I want, which normally returns 403 if not visited via VPN, to show the same of, e.g. a .html page with a redirect to

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Usually the subdomain is a different DNS record and points to a IP address(server). In your case you can create a virtual host which will handle all requests to for ex. and setup permissions there.

Take a look at this article:

Polizi8 avatar
in flag
All subdomains already point to the same host in my case, so there is no way to tell which one are active by just performing a DNS query. However if one guesses he sees 403 and he understand that the subdomain is actually used.
Zhivko Zhelev avatar
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I mean to create a new virtual host for and after that with htaccess file you can setup rules to access and what to if user is not authorized.

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