
Why would cloudinit resort to using iid-datasource-none?

cn flag

Had my ssh host key reset by GCE. Found


was created.

is not enlightening as to cause / prevention. Anyone know how this aspect of cloudinit works?

sa flag
That shouldn't be happening on GCE unless you specifically configured your datasource to do so (you would know if you did this). I suggest running `cloud-init collect-logs` with a `-u` if you have no sensitive userdata, then creating a bug at and attaching the tarball to the issue.
PjoterS avatar
ve flag
What do you mean reset? SSH host key was recreated? Did you perform any actions on that VM lately? How did you create this VM (image version).
cn flag
@PjoterS yes recreated. Stock Google img. I briefly made iptables-persist unable to run, but that did not break a server with the same setup on AWS. I think Google's cloudinit in snapd is not robust but I'd like to find a fix.
PjoterS avatar
ve flag
Is it possible to provide some logs? Also it was one time occurrence or this is something which occured a few times? What OS it was? Ubuntu, Debian, RH?

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