
Cannot get Apache to write a coredump

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I have a CGI program running on Debian under Apache mod_cgi that occasionally crashes with an error like

double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000002557db0 ***

Since it is a rare crash I'd like it to dump core so I can backtrace where the problem is happening. However, I cannot get apache to actually dump core.

If I run "ulimit -c" it returns "unlimited".

I have the Apache directive set "CoreDumpDirectory /tmp" and I've verified with mod_info that this CoreDumpDirectory is indeed being loaded in my apache config.

But when the crash occurs it seems like Apache never tries to dump core. I must be missing something else that I need to configure for the core dump to occur, can anyone point me to what else to check for why apache isn't dumping core here. Thanks.


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