
CDN video caching duration

fr flag

Are there any standards about for how long (days, weeks) do CDNs cache video content?

This other answer suggested that it is only for a short period of time (e.g. 1 day) but that information is almost a decade old by now. For regular (non-video) content, there are cache settings.

How is it for video content? Where can I find more information about this (I could not find it on the websites of some CDN providers).

PS: I am not asking for product suggestions.

djdomi avatar
za flag
if you really want to have a guaranteed answer open a ticket on the vendor
Ahron avatar
fr flag
Yeah, I guess I have to do that. But if I were to be satisfied with an approximate answer?
djdomi avatar
za flag
products suggestions are not on topic. however without specific knowledge what plan you use it will nearly impossible to answer

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