
How do I order authentication options correctly in Apache, by location?

cn flag

The order required is:

  1. Basic Auth - IF Authorization is in the header
  2. SAML Auth
  3. For 2 specific locations, no auth

This is what I have, but it does not seem to work correctly

<Location "/">
   AuthType Basic
   AuthBasicProvider ldap

   <If "-z req('Authorization')">
      AuthType Mellon
      MellonEnable auth
      MellonEndpointPath /mellon/

<LocationMatch "^/(notifyCommit|shuttingDown)/">
   AuthType None
   Allow from all
   Satisfy any
   Require all granted

However, any time I try to access either of the two locations where authentication should not be required (notifyCommit or shuttingDown), I get a 401.

What am I doing wrong here? I am under the impression that Location and LocationMatch are merged together, and the order is top-to-bottom. If this is true, it should evaluate "/" first and see that auth is needed, but then find the location match section, and see that auth is not needed for /notifyCommit/ or /shuttingDown/.

I've gone through a few other related questions and tried a bunch of options, but none seemed to work, including moving the location match before the location section, and SetEnvFf Request_URI ....


  1. For the two locations where authentication is not required, no username or password should be needed. It is basically anonymous access.
  2. The SAML/Basic auth conditional section seems to be working fine.
ng flag
I'm not sure, but maybe look into the AuthMerging directive!

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