
rsync a directory with its own descendant

gr flag

tl;dr: I want to rsync a directory to its own descendant, and then rsync the said descendant back to the original directory--including deletions and exclusions in both directions.

Before you ask the obvious question, "Why would you want to do that?" or point out how much better another approach would be, this is a business requirement. It's not my choice, and I'm aware of the risks, so just indulge me. I do not intend to justify the approach any further.


I want to rsync a directory to its own descendant--i.e., a directory "underneath" or "inside" it, like parent to parent/child, for example--and then sync changes to the descendant back to the original directory, e.g., parent/child to parent, including deletions and exclusions in both directions. Visually, I need to do this:

parent -> parent/child
parent <- parent/child

The difficulties are to...

  1. Prevent infinite recursion when going from the ancestor to the descendant
  2. Not delete the source files mid-operation when syncing the descendant back to its ancestor (manifested as "file has vanished" errors)
  3. Respect the exclusions all the while
gr flag

There are three parts to the solution. In order...

  1. Exclude the descendant directory path relative to the ancestor, e.g., child when syncing from parent/child
  2. Use the --delete-after flag instead of --delete
  3. Make all exclusion paths relative to the source, e.g., exclude.txt as opposed to /var/www/parent/exclude.txt

Here's a test script (with some special formatting for nicer output):

#!/usr/bin/env bash


printf "\n\e[33mrsync version:\n"
printf "%s--------------\e[39m\n"

rsync --version | head -n 1
# rsync  version 2.6.9  protocol version 29

rm -r parent

mkdir -p parent

touch parent/original.txt \
      parent/delete-from-child.txt \

printf "\n\e[33mOriginal state:\n"
printf "%s---------------\e[39m\n"

tree -a --noreport -- parent

printf "\n\e[33mrsync to child:\n"
printf "%s---------------\e[39m\n"

printf "rsync --archive \\n      --delete-after \\n      --exclude=exclude-from-child.txt \\n      "$PWD"/parent/ \\n      "$PWD"/parent/child\n\n"
rsync --archive \
      --delete-after \
      --exclude=exclude-from-child.txt \
      "$PWD"/parent/ \

tree -a --noreport -- parent; echo

printf "\e[33mMake changes:\n"
printf "%s---------------\e[39m\n"

rm parent/child/delete-from-child.txt
printf "rm parent/child/delete-from-child.txt\n"
touch parent/child/create-in-child.txt
printf "touch parent/child/create-in-child.txt\n"
touch parent/child/exclude-from-parent.txt
printf "touch parent/child/exclude-from-parent.txt\n\n"

printf "\e[33mrsync back to parent:\n"
printf "%s---------------------\e[39m\n"

printf "rsync --archive \\n      --delete-after \\n      --exclude=child \\n      --exclude=exclude-from-child.txt \\n      --exclude=exclude-from-parent.txt \\n      "$PWD"/parent/child/ \\n      "$PWD"/parent\n\n"
rsync --archive \
      --delete-after \
      --exclude=child \
      --exclude=exclude-from-child.txt \
      --exclude=exclude-from-parent.txt \
      "$PWD"/parent/child/ \

tree -a --noreport -- parent; echo
# Or `find parent -type f; echo`, if you don't have `tree`

printf "%s\n\e[33mFinal comparison:\n"
printf "%s-----------------\e[39m\n"

diff --exclude=child parent parent/child; echo


rsync version:
rsync  version 2.6.9  protocol version 29

Original state:
├── delete-from-child.txt
├── exclude-from-child.txt
└── original.txt

rsync to child:
rsync --archive

├── child
│   ├── delete-from-child.txt
│   └── original.txt
├── delete-from-child.txt
├── exclude-from-child.txt
└── original.txt

Make changes:
rm parent/child/delete-from-child.txt
touch parent/child/create-in-child.txt
touch parent/child/exclude-from-parent.txt

rsync back to parent:
rsync --archive

├── child
│   ├── create-in-child.txt
│   ├── exclude-from-parent.txt
│   └── original.txt
├── create-in-child.txt
├── exclude-from-child.txt
└── original.txt

Final comparison:
Only in parent: exclude-from-child.txt
Only in parent/child: exclude-from-parent.txt
pk flag

Another approach would be to set up bind mounts and thus make the two trees appear independent, then rsync as normal:

mkdir /mnt/parent
mkdir /mnt/child
mkdir /mnt/empty
mount --bind /path/to/parent/child /mnt/child
mount --bind /path/to/parent /mnt/parent
mount --bind /mnt/empty /mnt/parent/child

Now, when you do

rsync [args] /mnt/parent/. /mnt/child/.

the empty directory /mnt/empty will mask the real /path/to/parent/child directory; /mnt/parent/child will appear empty and will avoid infinite recursion.

When you do

rsync [args] /mnt/child/. /mnt/parent/.

the situation will be similar; /mnt/child/child/ will be empty (since you don't copy anything there in the first place), and /mnt/parent/child/ will also appear empty, so there is no risk of deleting anything from there.

This is perhaps less elegant than @TravisCarden's solution, but possibly more robust.

gr flag
How interesting! Unfortunately, I can't count on my particular target audience having access to mount or I would try this, but thanks for the idea!

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