
What the "uri" written in nginx doc(difference with the "file")?

cn flag

The last argument of try_files directive is slightly different from the others, it has a leading slash(but not means absolute path): e.g. try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ /fallback/index.html;.

And the doc distinguish them as file and uri.

Also the doc of error_page, the last argument written as uri and it may internally redirect, like try_files one's.

Sum up above, uri means follows right?:

  • start with leading slash(/)
  • but not serve from absolute path, follow the directory within context
  • can cause an internal redirection(= lookup other location directives)
ng flag

This last URI argument is compared against your location blocks - and the best/longest match is used to resolve it. So if you do not have location /fallback { in your nginx.conf - the above example will return error 404.

홍한석 avatar
cn flag
I understood the behavior when try_files or error_page fallbacks to *`uri`*. But I wonder that is there any definition or reference for *`uri`*, the doc indicates, to verify my last 3 statements in the question.
홍한석 avatar
cn flag
I gonna move to the server fault and close this question

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