
Broken non english url on redirect in Nginx

in flag

I am running WordPress on the NginX server.

And I have a problem with permalink getting the query string ?nonamp=1.

So I want to redirect like this: redirect to

The code below I found works fine.

if ($arg_nonamp) {
    return 301 $uri;
if ($query_string ~ "^(.*)nonamp(.*)$") {
        rewrite ^(.*)$ $uri? permanent;

However, the problem is that if the web page address contains a non-english character, it is converted and redirected as follows.


I already set the string in nginx to utf8, but it doesn't work.

charset utf-8;
server {
      charset utf-8;

Please let me know how do i solve this issue. I am using Korean for permalink.

Thank you

Richard Smith avatar
jp flag
I cannot reproduce this problem. Both forms in your question appear to redirect URLs containing non-English characters correctly.

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