
Query on Apache MPM Worker Module (mpm_worker.conf and worker.conf)

in flag

We have Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) of Apache on Ubuntu 16. We generally maintain our configuration in Puppet and use Worker MPM.

Yesterday we started facing connection drops on our application and port 443 started flapping. The error log of Apache was pointing to MPM.

We checked the mods-enabled directory and found that we have 2 files there, mpm_worker.conf and worker.conf. File worker.conf had meagre configuration and it seems it was overriding mpm_worker.conf. We disabled worker (a2dismod worker) so that mpm_worker.conf remains and values specified in that file take effect. After disabling worker and restarting, apache stabilized and started working normally.

I am not sure why there were 2 files for worker mpm. We also figured that this worker moduled was enabled by Puppet but not sure why it did so because already there was mpm_worker.conf file.


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