
NGINX: reverse proxy path to subdomain and append the rest

cn flag

I have the following NGINX configuration file:

server {

  ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
  ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/web/example.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/web/example.key;

  location ~* ^/(.*)(.*)?$ {
    proxy_pass                  http://$$2;
    proxy_buffering             off;
    proxy_set_header Host       $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;

And I need to proxy all incoming requests to the shown backend, i.e.

  • should proxy to
  • should proxy to
  • should proxy to

However, I always get the a Bad Gateway error as a return, and in the logs I get:

[error] 18643#0: *12393 could not be resolved (3: Host not found)

I assume that my regex somehow malforms the proxy request, but I'm not sure how.

Other combinations that I've tried:

  • location ~* ^/(.*)(?:/(.*))$ proxied to http://$$2$is_args$args
  • location ~* ^/(.*)(?:/(.*))? proxied to http://$$2$is_args$args

Any help is greatly appreciated.

us flag

You have two wildcard regular expression capture groups in your location block directive, which means everything is captured into $1.

Based on your requirements, the following location block could work:

location ~ ^/(?<subdomain>[^/]+)/(<path>.*)?$ {
    proxy_pass http://$$path;

For clarity, I am using variable names (<>) in the regular expressions. The [^/]+ is used to capture the first part of URL path component (capture 1 or more characters that are not /).

The reason for the Bad Gateway error is that nginx could not resolve the domain name These are couple of reasons why it happens:

  1. is not registered in DNS.
  2. You haven't configured nginx resolver directive with valid DNS resolvers.

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