
Testing Spring Boot API results in HTTP 405 (Method not Allowed) on PUT

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I created an API which I deployed to Tomcat Server. During development, I would start the application from Eclipse and test the end point using Postman. From Eclipse, the application runs fine. I would see my bot (created with Selenium WebDriver) starting, hitting the targeted pages, clicking the scripted elements, and finishing the process.

I modified the POM to build a WAR file which I manually deployed using Tomcat Manager App page. The WAR deployed and it is running fine as far as I can tell. I decided to run the same test using Postman; obviously changing "localhost" to the actual IP address and port. Unfortunately, I get this HTTP 405 error and I do not know why. I assume that something needs to be configured in Tomcat but I have no clue as to what specifically I need to do.

I configured Tomcat according to this and still no luck:

us flag
Need more details on the 405 error - looks like the call might be faulty. Call and response messages would also help with debugging.
hfontanez avatar
in flag
I have no more details to give.
in flag

Tomcat by default is not enabled for HTTP PUT command.

I had to configure Tomcat by modifying the web.xml and the tomcat-users.xml files.

Changes to web.xml file

  1. Needed to add readonly=false parameter
  1. Needed to add a security constraint for the role
        <web-resource-name>Demo App</web-resource-name>

Changes to the tomcat-users.xml file

  1. Needed to add a user and role to match the added security constraint
<user name="#####" password="#####" roles="#####" />

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