
pssh with ssh ProxyJump with multiplexing session re-use

us flag

I have a list of nodes, that are accessible only through a bastion server. On these nodes, I would like to execute commands in parallel. So, I had been trying to use ssh -J flag or, respectively, the ssh_config ProxyJump option in combination with parallel ssh pssh.

To speed up re-connections, I am using ssh multiplexing

 ControlMaster auto
 ControlPersist 60m
 ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%i@%l_%r@%h:%p

However, something like

pssh -O [email protected] -p 5 -l root -h /tmp/nodes.lst 'echo $HOSTNAME'

fails and runs into timeouts.

Hard-wiring the node list in the ssh config is not really feasible, so that I am depending on a commandline compatible solution.


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