
Alias a purchased domain (on Netlify) to a deployed app (on Heroku)

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I purchased a domain on Netlify and deployed an app to Heroku. Now I needed to add an ALIAS record to Netlify, as I understood. I removed the other DNS records:

enter image description here

If I now browse to the domain, I get a warning that the site is not secure. It looks like an ssl certificate is not valid / not present:

enter image description here

However, before this, I had a safe connection to both the acquired Netlify domain and to the Heroku app.

I did read here that this may have to do with having multiple conflicting records:

Note that one of the main reason that our system will issue an incomplete certificate is when there is a multiple conflicting records for your apex/bare domain or subdomain. Making you don’t have duplicate DNS records should typically help resolve issues like these.

I did have 4 other records (root and www, NETLIFY and NETLIFYv6) for this domain, which I removed just a minute ago.

Is this a matter of waiting? How long should I wait?


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