
Publishing nova (libvirt) metrics using ceilometer agent

kz flag

I've migrated my openstack lab from kolla-ansible and have deployed 3 ceilometer and one gnocchi units using juju. And this is my ceilometer pipeline.yaml file:

  - name: meter_source
     - "*"
      - meter_sink
  - name: meter_sink
     - gnocchi://
export pipeline=$(cat ./pipeline.yaml)
juju config ceilometer pipeline-yaml=$pipeline
juju config ceilometer enable-all-pollsters=true
juju config ceilometer-agent enable-all-pollsters=true
juju run-action ceilometer/leader ceilometer-upgrade

everything seems ok but there's no my pipeline configurations inside ceilometer machines when accessing to /etc/ceilometer inside them (using juju ssh command). And the publisher endpoint won't receive any data. Is there anything which I've forgot to do?


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