
Regular expression to consider all directory and remove if particular folder matches

bd flag

I want to write a regular expression to consider all the directory which start from "system" and delete if particular folder struture present with name "Remote" currently Provided regex

".(Cust|Cur Req|Cur Spec|Regu|/ASM|Sta).")

entire module class

validmodule("Cust", samsung.cfg", ".(Cust|Cur Req|Cur Spec|Regu|/ASM|Sta).");

please help how to add additional condition to remove it. I want to additional add or combine one more to exisiting regex to remove complete directory path if a directory has word "Remote" like example below

Cust/Cur Req/Remote -------- remove entire path

Cust/Cur Req ------------ Consider

Cust/value_remote/Cur spec/ ---------------remove


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