
stunnel client accepts any peer certificate

cn flag

I have a Linux machine that is connecting to a remote MySQL server using stunnel 5.56. I downloaded the remote server's certificate and put it in /etc/ssl/cert/mysql-server.pem. Here is my Linux machine's stunnel configuration:

# /etc/stunnel/mysql.conf
debug = 6

client = yes
accept  =
connect =
verifyPeer = yes
CAfile = /etc/ssl/cert/mysql-server.pem

When I start the service the tunnel gets established and this is what I see in the logs:

stunnel: LOG5[ui]: stunnel 5.56 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu platform
stunnel: LOG5[ui]: Compiled/running with OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021
stunnel: LOG5[ui]: Reading configuration from file /etc/stunnel/mysql.conf
stunnel: LOG5[ui]: UTF-8 byte order mark not detected
stunnel: LOG5[ui]: FIPS mode disabled
stunnel: LOG6[ui]: Initializing service [mysql-server]
stunnel: LOG5[ui]: Configuration successful
stunnel: LOG6[ui]: Service [mysql-server] (FD=9) bound to
stunnel4[3372706]: Starting TLS tunnels: /etc/stunnel/mysql.conf: started (no pid=pidfile specified!)
stunnel: LOG6[cron]: Executing cron jobs
stunnel: LOG6[cron]: Cron jobs completed in 0 seconds

As an experiment I downloaded the certificate used by and saved it in /root/google.pem. I changed the above stunnel configuration by changing the CAfile to point to the Google certificate:

debug = 6

client = yes
accept  =
connect =
verifyPeer = yes
CAfile = /root/google.pem

When I restart stunnel everything works! That is, stunnel does not seem to care what certificate is in CAfile. This cannot be how peer certificate verification is supposed to work. What am I doing wrong?

(Note: I also tried adding verify = N with N being 2, 3, and 4 with the same results.)

Techincal details: running stunnel from Debian bullseye package stunnel4 version 3:5.56+dfsg-10.


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