
Using HAproxy to redirect incoming traffic to docker

es flag

We are currently using HAproxy to redirect incoming traffic to our domain example.domain to our containers, which are only accessible via the local interface (e.g.

To achieve this our current config looks something like this:

    mode http
    timeout connect 5000
    timeout check 5000
    timeout client 20000
    timeout server 20000

frontend domain
    bind *:80
    bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/domain.cert
    bind *:11000-11199 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/domain.cert
    http-request redirect scheme https unless { ssl_fc } # ssl_fc returns true if the request is already using SSL
    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
    # Ports 11000-11099 are reserved for secure traffic
    acl secure_0_host dst_port 11000
    acl secure_1_host dst_port 11001

    # Ports 11100-11199 are reserved for insecure traffic
    acl insecure_0_host dst_port 11100
    acl insecure_1_host dst_port 11101

    # Secure Backends
    use_backend secure_0 if secure_0_host
    use_backend secure_1 if secure_1_host

    # Insecure Backends
    use_backend insecure_0 if insecure_0_host
    use_backend insecure_1 if insecure_1_host

    # Fallback Backend
    default_backend fallback_backend

backend fallback_backend
    http-request redirect location https://example.domain code 302

# Secure Backends
backend secure_0
    server secure_0 ssl verify none

backend secure_1
    server secure_1 ssl verify none

# Insecure Backends
backend insecure_0
    server insecure_0

backend insecure_1
    server insecure_1

This setup does work but it is really tedious to manually add each port-mapping and also it kinda bugs me, that I have to use different ports (12000-12099) for the docker containers, than I am listening on with HAproxy.

Is it somehow possible to just tell the config, that a given portrange (11000-11099) should be passed through to

in flag
in flag

can try this which is slightly different than using the port range for acls ... or just have different front ends for each port range like that docs shows


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