
What exactly does a URL redirect for @ do?

ca flag

What exactly does a URL redirect for @ do?

I am familiar with the terminology as seen here. [ sf ]

However, I am trying to understand my DNS records and came across this line:

URL Redirect Record | @ | | Unmasked

It appears that is will redirect to but what about the http and https part? Does it apply to both?

Will it redirect both and ?

Patrick Mevzek avatar
cn flag
DNS has no concept (records) related to HTTP redirections. What you see is specific to one DNS provider so you need to ask him/look at his documentation.
vn flag

This means your DNS provider has a redirection service they offer. It's not a feature built into DNS; they just have logic to point to a server under their control, where it'll be redirected.

Whether it'll work with HTTPS varies from provider to provider. Most don't; Google Domains is one of the few I've found that does.


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