
CentOS 7.8.2003 (Core) : Failed to restart Openssl.service: Unit not found

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Im using CentOS 7.8.2003 (Core)

Recently the Openssl doesn't work anymore but it worked before.

when I tried to do this

sudo service Openssl start


sudo service Openssl start

It says service Openssl unit not found

I tried also to sudo service httpd start and start the Openssl but still doesn't work and also tried with different dependency libraries still showing the same. can anyone look it this it will be helpful, thanks.

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openssl does not have a service you could restart. Why do you think you need to "restart" it?
praful avatar
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I just wanted to check the status for it and also running with 'systemctl status openssl' also not worked showing the same "unit openssl.service could not be found.
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Because there is no such service. On no linux distribution. openssl is not used as a service. It has a binary for certificate manipulation and libraries, but no service. Are you maybe confusing it with `openssh`?
praful avatar
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ok ,thanks for php also it is showing the same unit php.service could not be found.
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PHP is only ran as a service when used as FPM and then it is called `php-fpm`. Maybe you should run `systemctl list-units -t service` to see what services you actually have.

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