I tried to make lxc backup and get's error that failes on some snapshot for 2 years ago.
run test command
lxc export backup /tank/local/lxd/backups-temp/backup_test.tar.gz -v
Error message:
Error: Create backup: Backup create: Snapshot "sunday-2019-12-01" in storage but not expected
| friday | 2022/03/11 02:02 CET | | NO |
| monday | 2022/03/14 02:02 CET | | NO |
| saturday | 2022/03/12 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-01-23 | 2022/01/23 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-01-30 | 2022/01/30 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-02-06 | 2022/02/06 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-02-13 | 2022/02/13 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-02-20 | 2022/02/20 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-02-27 | 2022/02/27 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-03-06 | 2022/03/06 02:02 CET | | NO |
| sunday-2022-03-13 | 2022/03/13 02:02 CET | | NO |
| thursday | 2022/03/10 02:02 CET | | NO |
| tuesday | 2022/03/15 02:02 CET | | NO |
| wednesday | 2022/03/16 02:02 CET | | NO |
Under path /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default/custom-snapshots/default_happydays-storage
monday sunday-2019-10-27 sunday-2019-11-17
saturday sunday-2019-11-03 sunday-2019-11-24
I have found this folder and removed. But still it's not working. So it should bee some where else.
I have used lot of hours to figure out.