I have a RewriteRule directive in Apache that I would like to get applied only if a custom HTTP header is present.
What I have tried:
<If "%{HTTP:X-MyCustomHeader} in { 'present' }">
RewriteRule ^/$ /present.html [NC,R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^/$ /absent.html [NC,R=301,L]
This does not work at all, neither RewriteRule gets applied.
Alternative that I have tried:
<If "-n req_novary('X-MyCustomHeader')">
Does not work either.
I am testing with curl like
curl -is http://example.com/ -H X-MyCustomHeader:present
To validate that the header is present and seen, I tried using an env variable:
SetEnvIf X-MyCustomHeader ^(present)$ MY_CUSTOM_VAR=$1
Header always set X-MyCustomHeader "### FOUND ###" env=MY_CUSTOM_VAR
This works as expected, and I get the FOUND in the response.
But again when I try to use the env variable in the IF statement, it will not get triggered, e.g.
<If "-n env('MY_CUSTOM_VAR')">
How can I do this with IF? And yes, I know there is a RewriteCond condition to check environment variables, but I need to use other directives as well, so I would like to switch them in an IF block.
According to the docs: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/en/expr.html#functions
When environment variables are looked up within an condition, it's important to consider how extremely early in request processing that this resolution occurs. As a guideline, any directive defined outside of virtual host context (directory, location, htaccess) is not likely to have yet had a chance to execute. SetEnvIf in virtual host scope is one directive that runs prior to this resolution.
So according to the docs, SetEnvIf variables should work, but they don't?