
How to configure /etc/smartd.conf to mirror smartctl command?

cn flag

I am using SmartMonTools. And the following command works fine with smartctl:

# smartctl -d scsi -H /dev/sdf
smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [aarch64-linux-5.10.103-v8+] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

SMART Health Status: OK

But when I try to setup the same monitoring via smartd service, i.e. in the /etc/smartd.conf file...

/dev/sdf -d scsi -H

The log reports that SMART is not supported, and the disk sdf will not be monitored. This is true, in that the given disk is not SMART capable. But the smartctl tool is looking at the attributes of the disk, such as the defect list, which is 0. So it can report the disk is good given its limited view.

I can't seem to get the smartd service to accept the given disk for monitoring, which if smartctl can handle it, should not smartd service? Does the smartd service explicitly require that actual SMART feature set is enabled?


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