
Creating Amazon ECS service with multiple load balancer target groups with dynamic ports

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So I was using fargate for some containers that were using http and websockets. For this to work I created a target group for each port and added their respective load balancer listener to each target group. So for example I am using the port 3026 for html and port 5006 for websockets. The only thing that I changed was in the health check port of the websocket target group. I pointed it to the html port (3026). While I was using fargate I had no issues because there was no need for port mapping and dynamic ports, fargate handles that by itself. But I am trying to use EC2 to reduce costs and I am having trouble handling the health check on the web socket target group because the html port is dynamic. The only thing I can think of is using a non dynamic port for the service, but then I will be only able to deploy 1 container in each EC2 instance I might get in problems scaling.


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