
DNS Newbie and my site is not resolving. It was working properly yesterday. (I think it may be nameserver issue but not sure)

th flag

My first post here and thank you in advance for taking a look. My website ( is currently not loading. A little bit of background:

I xferred the domain from to AWS Route 53 about a week ago and updated the nameservers to the AWS nameservers.

Current nameservers as seen in my AWS Route 53 are:


The current static IP (A Record) of the website is:

The site was working fine yesterday.

What I have tried so far:

  1. I tried accessing the site through the static IP (spins indefinitely).
  2. I confirmed with that the domain is totally out of their system.
  3. I checked and do see the nameservers are still on the nameservers even though I updated these about a week ago to the AWS nameservers. So I am thinking maybe propagation still needs more time? Again though, the site was loading fine yesterday.

Any ideas what may be going on here? DNS is not my forte so I appreciate any help. If any other information would be helpful, please let me know.


joeqwerty avatar
cv flag
Your DNS looks fine. If the site doesn't connect when using the ip address then you have a server/site problem, not a DNS problem.
Ryan Bolger avatar
tz flag
When I first started answering this question, the .com TLD servers still pointed to servers. But I just checked again and now they point to Route53. You may have just been impatient?
djdomi avatar
za flag
it can take 3 till 10 days until all dns on earth have updated... did you just waiting 3 till 10 minutes?

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