
handel tls when domain point to subdomain in cname record

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we are trying to point domain to sub doamins *.com --> * for example -->

we need to support all domain not few domains

for example like github when you point cname to your repo in github

we are facing ssl problems that the certificate is not validenter image description here

actually we are trying to make it dynamic not only for those domains we are using aws alb, spring-cloud-gateway as proxy for domain routing

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You need a certificate for

The certificate should match what's in the URL field of your browser.

Cnames operate at the DNS layer. They are not HTTP redirects.

ashraf revo avatar
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yes how to do this , i need to handle all domain not only, like github when you add cname to your repo @vidarlo
vidarlo avatar
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You can get a wild card certificate for e.g * If it's not subdomains of a name you control, you'll have to get certificates that covers the name. One cert can cover many names. ACME protocol ensures that you can get a valid certificate for a new name in seconds.
ashraf revo avatar
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i know you can have many domain in one certificate , but think a bit do you think github renew its certificate every point to a repo adding domain to there certificate, and they have millions of domain in there one certificate
vidarlo avatar
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They pretty much have to. The only other way would be to become a CA, and just issue a valid certificate on request - but that would probably breach the CAB guidelines... And they don't have millions in one cert, but spread out over various certs. For subdomains of domains they control, they probably use wildcard certs.

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