Solution to the below problem: Use $ddns-confgen
or $tsig-keygen
, the former provides you with the syntax to paste into your named.conf
I am trying to configure a BIND9 (ver9.161-Ubuntu) to allow me to create TXT records which Letsecrypt can use to validate the domain, ultimately to allow for the generation of SSL certs for internal/private systems.
There is plenty of documentation on the processes, in particular a step by step guide from Home Assistant (Home automation suite on configuring nginx + letsencrypt). HOWEVER, the algorithms and processes appear to have changed since the documentation was originally produced.
Documentation requires that a DNSSEC key is generated to allow for host updates
$dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-SHA512 -b 512 -n HOST letsencrypt
dnssec-keygen: fatal: unknown algorithm HMAC-SHA512
If I run dnssec-keygen --help
, it provides a list of algorithms which are
"RSASHA1 | NSEC3RSASHA1 | RSASHA256 | RSASHA512 | ECDSAP256SHA256 | ECDSAP384SHA384 | ED25519 | ED448 | DH"
If the above command is changed to: RSASHA512
and key size changes to 1024
then the system errors with:
dnssec-keygen: fatal: invalid DNSKEY nametype HOST
After wading through the algorithm's the only one which does not throw an error is DH, by setting the alogorithm to DH a key is generated.
The next issue is that the DH protocol is not recognised when used in the name.conf.local file.
adding a key section into the named.conf.local
key "letsencrypt" {
algorithm DH;
secret "averylongkey==";
but when I run:
$ sudo named-checkconf
/etc/bind/named.conf.local:14: unknown algorithm 'DH'
Basically the old documentation is asking you to use an outdated keygen method.