For the context, i have an infrastructure of multiple machines using ssh.
We connect via ssh as root on the machines without password thank's to the authorized_keys file on each mchine. We are adding regularly new machines in our infrastructure.
The problematic is to create a script that :
- Pings all the machine (by parsing through a file containing all our machine names)
- If the ping is successfull, Test the ssh connection withtout password (with the command
ssh -o BatchMode=yes $machine uname -a
- If the ssh doesn't work AND it is because of this message :
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
(because it's the first ssh connection to this machine for example), then with an expect script, send "yes"
- If the ssh doesn't work AND it is because a password is asked, then with an expect script, send "CTRL + C"
My problem is that the two conditions 3. and 4. can both happen to one machine and i can't figure out how to use the continue statement in my script.
This specific case would be for a machine that asks for a "yes" but after that asks for password too.
Here is what the script looks like :
for machine in `cat ${liste} | grep -v \#`
ping -c1 ${machine} 2>&1 >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo ${machine} >> ${pingok}
ssh -o BatchMode=yes ${machine} uname -a &> $verifssh 2>&1
echo $? > ${exitcode}
if grep -q "255" "$exitcode"
cut -c 15-74 $verifssh > $verifssh2
if grep "ication failed." "$verifssh2"
expect ${scriptexpectknownhosts} ${machine} 2>&1 >/dev/null
continue 3
elif grep "Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive)." "$verifssh2"
expect ${scriptexpectknownhosts} ${machine} 2>&1 >/dev/null
echo "${machine} -> The machine asks for a password" >> "${sshnok}"
elif grep -q "0" "$exitcode"
echo "${machine} works with ssh"
echo "${machine}" >> ${sshok}
echo "${machine}" >> "${pingnok}"
Here is the expect script (it handles both situation) :
set machine [lindex $argv 0]
spawn ssh $machine
expect {
"Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? " {send "yes\r";exp_continue}
-exact "Password: " {close}
-re $prompt {send "exit\r";close}
So in a nutshell, my problem is, for the machine that ask for a "yes" answer and then need a password i want to register them in the ${sshnok}
file but the continue
doesn't work. I tried continue
/ continue 2
/ continue 3
and it still doesn't want to go back in the previous loop.