I've got a new server with several kvm vms. This server has been installed by an other person which is no longer available.
The problem: The names of the kvm guests are bad and so I want to rename them. Using the virsh-domrename-command this can be done easy.
However, after changing the vm guest names the maschines are no longer reachable from the outside and I'm unable figure out why. I already did the following things:
- edit the kvm host /etc/hosts-file - change the names here
- did virsh net-edit default and change the names there
- changed the hostnames inside the vm guest maschines
- restarted libvirt
- restarted the default network (virsh net-destroy default)
- restarted even the whole server (I'm desperated...)
None of this does matter. The IPs are OK and everything seams running fine - but not reachable from the outside.
If I only change back the maschine names (virsh shutdown, domrename & start - nothing else) they are reachable again.
Could someone please point me to the right direction? What am I missing?
The setup is made with the libvirt-dnsmasq-thing if this matters. I'm new to kvm but I've got a lot of experience with VirtualBox, Docker and (a bit) XEN.