
Cant handle HTTPS request to HTTP with specified port at Nginx

ve flag

So I have one server. Let it be server (where SSL is working good) From this server I am sending request to other server called (other location) I am sending such requests

At this i have installed nginx with SSL wich is working pretty nice.Those ports (8001,8003 and so on) are some services. Some of them written or goland, some on python and so on.

Issue. Those https requests are not handling. It is handling if i send but of course i need HTTPS to work it. I can't setup this services work with HTTPS, they are working only with http

So I need to configurate nginx some how.

Currenly my nginx at this is looks like

  server {

        server_name blabla
        root /var/www;

     listen 443 ssl;

 location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;


p.s i removed some sting to make it shorter(like ssl sertificates and so on)

This proxy_pass i tryied but no luck

Generaly here is a screen what i need to get and what i have(sorry for the red) Here is curl with http and https

djdomi avatar
za flag
dont post plain text errors as image, use codeblock the codeblock like above for the config to show the errors.

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