
Setting Apache header with conditions of excluding paths/directorys / server ips

id flag

I use a WordPress plugin called Duplicator Pro and the best way of installing with their installers is to use the servers IP rather than the domain because that way it autofills & conects to the server easier, while also not triggering multiple ModSecurity rules.

The best installation URL is:


Instead of:

If you load either of those files it automatically redirects you to:


However because the server has the following Apache/LiteSpeed rule, it automatically redirects the http:// to https:// which causes it to throw up the following message:

Connect to Network

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header always set Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests;"

I'm trying to figure out a way to make the above Apache/LiteSpeed rule to only apply to domains, not direct IPs OR to make it so it doesn't trigger when using the file of installer.php, main.installer.php and the directory of /dup-installer/

It's a shame there is no FilesNotMatch / DirectoryNotMatch / LocationNotMatch type if statements.

Any one have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate the help/advice!

kz flag

You could set an environment variable (eg. DOMAIN_REQUESTED) if a domain is requested (as opposed to the IP address) and set the Header conditionally based on whether this env var is set by using the env= argument.

For example:

SetEnvIf Host "[a-z]" DOMAIN_REQUESTED
Header always set Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests;" env=DOMAIN_REQUESTED

If the Host header contains a character a-z then you must be requesting a domain name, not the IP address. In which case the DOMAIN_REQUESTED env var is set to 1.


  • It seems odd that it would be preferable to install this over insecure HTTP using the server's IP address and a per-user web directory?! Per-user web directories (mod_userdir) are generally best avoided as it really messes with root-relative URL-paths.

  • If this is only for the installation process, can you not simply comment out that Header directive temporarily?

It's a shame there is no FilesNotMatch / DirectoryNotMatch / LocationNotMatch type if statements.

Well, there kind-of is, as you can use a negative-lookahead (or lookbehind) in the regex to determine when a match does not occur.

...OR to make it so it doesn't trigger when using the file of installer.php, main.installer.php and the directory of /dup-installer/

The Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests; HTTP response header only affects linked assets, not the top-level navigation. So this doesn't apply to installer.php and main.installer.php anyway. If these requests are being upgraded (or, more likely "redirected") then something else is doing that.


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