
ldap connection with switch HP 5700 flexFabric

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Can I restrict ssh login access to my HP Switch 5700, 5800 series using active directory groups?

ldap is working fine when the search-base-dn is using an OrganisationUnit.

search-base-dn OU=privilegedUser,OU=User,DC=company,DC=com

Using a global group with typ security is not working.

search-base-dn CN=switch-admins,OU=groups,OU=User,DC=company,DC=com


ldap server domain_name
search-base-dn OU=privilegedUser,OU=User,DC=company,DC=com

Syntax 2:

I also tried to accomplish the filtering with:

ldap server domain_name
search-base-dn OU=privilegedUser,OU=User,DC=company,DC=com

user-parameters user-object-class (memberOf=CN=switch-admins,OU=groups,OU=User,DC=company,DC=com)
th flag
You can also use group memebership to search, ismemeberof or memeberof attribute
Medera avatar
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@HamzaTahiri I tried to filter with "user-parameters user-object-class" see new second example. But was not yet successful.

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