
Is there any way to control my server without using SSH

br flag

I want to turn my raspberry pi into a personal server than I can access from anywhere but from what I've learnt SSH requires port forwarding to access from another network but my internet provider (Vodafone) does not allow port 22 forwarding . Is there anyway to achieve the same thing that SSH does? Maybe some sort of TCP reverse shell is viable. I'm new to all of this.

vidarlo avatar
ar flag
I think this question is better suited at, as it's not about IT in a business environment.
kh flag
Depending on your router, you could map a different external port to port 22 on your device. Google the name of your router and the term "port forwarding" for router specific instructions. Note that exposing anything publicly is a security risk; so be careful what you expose / ensure things are secured appropriately before opening them up to the internet.
kh flag
As for alternatives, there's things like XRDP (; which give a way to remote onto your device via the RDP port (3389 by default). However, likely those would also use ports that are blocked by default / would require the same port forwarding as above.
user10489 avatar
nc flag
You can also move (or duplicate) ssh to another port directly in its configuration.
kh flag
Or you can use a web terminal; i.e. host a website with a login page on your device, and have that proxy commands to its hosts terminal. There's a thread about that here: - I've no experience with these solutions, so can't offer any insights other than knowing such things exist and avoid the port forwarding issue.
cn flag
  1. To control Raspberry Pi without using SSH
  • Try XRDP
  • Or consider telnet (not recommended)
  1. To connect SSH from internet when port 22 is blocked
  • Edit port setting in sshd_config
  • Or set up VPN (OpenVPN, or WireGuard, etc.)

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