
ufw - how can i add custom rules in iptables-save syntax correctly?

cd flag

So when i do

iptables -A ufw-user-forward -s -d -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A ufw-user-forward -s -d -j DROP

one by one in terminal, it works but when i add it to after.rules like so:

-A ufw-user-forward -s -d -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-user-forward -s -d -j DROP

it doesnt

I already tried starting the rule including chain like so:

:ufw-user-forward - [0:0]

but no luck, any idea on how can i get this to work? i dont think those rules are added to iptables at all either when i add them to after.rules file

cn flag
After adding those rules to the `after.rules`, do you re-run `ufw` to load those rules?
Roki avatar
cd flag
Yes, i tried both `ufw reload` and `sudo systemctl restart ufw`, tried rebooting aswell, but for some reason it just doesn't work
cn flag
Anything in the logs? Also may be in the journal (`journalctl -u ufw` and go to the end)
Roki avatar
cd flag
Besides start/stop logs, nothing

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