
Export and import ldap user smbantpassword did not work

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i have a problem with ldap, so we use the synololgy nas ldap server for some reason for auhtentication with filemaker.

The user i am syncing from a debian server with openldap 2.4 with the lsc tool. But i could not logon to filmaker with error "invalid credentials" i make some test with phpldapadmin and following hapend:

  1. a fresh transfered user could not login with error 49 the password in debian ldap and synolgie ldap are the same i testet it with phpldapadmin.

  2. if i set the password value in the synolgy ldap i could login in filemaker, the sambantpassword i see is the same, as bevor setting.

  3. if i export this user in synolgy ldap and then delete the user an reimport the user i could not login until i set the password new in synogly.

But the password (smabantpassword) did not change i see in phpldapadmin, but one time i ccould logon and one time not

any hints and tips to solve this ?


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