
Cross region backup (block & boot volumes) naming convention - Oracle OCI

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I have 4 instances in ap-mumbai-1 region with 1 block volume attached to each of them. I have configured a cross region backup policy to ship the backups to ap-osaka-1 region.

But in ap-osaka-1 region, I am unable to identify the source block volumes as the backups are named like - " Auto-backup for 2022-04-13 18:30:00 via policy: CrossRegionPolicy-Osaka_from_AP_MUMBAI_1 "

When I open the details I can see the Original Boot Volume ocid is listed. But is there any way to keep the source volume name in the backup? to be able to identify the source volume when we need to restore it and attach to a new instance?

We need the solution in order to prepare the terraform scripts to activate DR on the ap-osaka-1 region from the volume backups.

Unless we can properly identify the volumes in ap-osaka-1 region, we can't create the proper terraform script or activate the DR manually.

Please suggest alternative easy process to build VMs in DR region from the volumes backups


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