
How to connect two adapters to aws linux 2 with virtulabox?

ng flag

I followed this video link and able to use amazon linux 2 with virtualbox.

But this video shows only one network adapter(bridged).

I connected two network adapters(NAT and Host-Only) but only the first adapter is visible.

I didn't configure through command line, Instead I added the adapters in the vm configuration.

adapter 2

Second one is not detected.

As you can see eth1 is not enabled.

ip a s -- output

Even nmtui and nmtcli commands doesn't work.

ifup eth1 also not detecting the eth1 adapter.

[ec2-user@amazonlinux ~]$ ifup eth1
/usr/sbin/ifup: configuration for eth1 not found.
Usage: ifup <configuration>

How to enable that?

djdomi avatar
za flag
how do you configure the interfaces via systemd or /etc/network/interfaces?
ng flag
I didn't configure through command line, Instead I added the adapters in the vm configuration.

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