
wildcard url in ingress-nginx kubernetes Ingress to redirect to path based url doesn't seem to pass regex value

ke flag

Trying to setup a wildcard url in ingress-nginx kubernetes Ingress to redirect to path based url it doesn't seem to pass the wildcard regex value.

The url would be something like "" and it should redirect to

The result I am getting is redirect to

It appears I am not getting the wildcard value of "test" coming thru as a variable

Below is a snippet of the Ingress

kind: Ingress
   name: sample-service-ingress
   annotations: nginx "letsencrypt-production" "true" |
        server_name ~^(?<name>[\w-]+)\.dev\.example1\.com$;

        location /admin {
          return 301 $scheme://$name;


I have also tested the regex in and it looks to be correct. (minus the ~)

I have tried a few things like taking the $name var and putting in the middle of two other hardcoded values (ex. return 301 $scheme://$name.end;) which returns "" which returns an empty or NULL value in between the begin..end hard coded values.

I am unsure if the $name var in the regex is correctly passing. I am not able to see a value.

I have used this in reference to the following as a reference


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