
Apache VirtualDocumentRoot multiple subdirectories possible

za flag

I have a local Apache server for developing pages. Therefore, I have a root folder where all the different pages are in subfolders. Those folders then have another subfolders for the public content. This could be - depending on the framework - a different folder (e.g. public, wwwroot, webroot, httpdocs).

Folder structure:
|-- srv
    |-- http
        |-- page
        |   |-- webroot
        |       |-- .htaccess
        |       |-- index.php
        |-- page2
            |-- public
                |-- index.php

Now instead of using http://localhost/page/webroot I want to use the http://page.localhost/ URL scheme because it should be like in real world (e.g. links which point to root should work and so on).

First I tried with VirtualDocumentRoot /srv/http/%-2/webroot/ which seems to work pretty fine if all pages have the webroot folder as public folder. However, it does not work if the public folder has a different name.

So my second approach was to use mod_rewrite. with something like:

DocumentRoot /srv/http
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} (.+)\.[^\.]+$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%1/webroot -d
RewriteRule ^(.+) %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%1/webroot/$1 [L]

(The last 3 lines can be repeated for the other folders - skipped here for readability)

That looked quite promising in the beginning, but then I found out that it does not work if the page has a .htaccess file with local mod_rewrite in it which maps all requests to index.php (like some framework do). In this case the mod_rewrite will run into an endless loop as the dynamic part of the path is treated like a subfolder and not like the DocumentRoot. Here is the output from the log:

This repeats until the recursion limit is reached.

The .htaccess file looks like this:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

If I switch it off it will work.

So what I should do now?

Changing the .htaccess or any files in the project folder is not an option because it will not work anymore in the real server then.


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