
Cloudflare not resolving

br flag

in my setup, a local Bind9 server forwards DNS requests to Cloudflare ( with DNSSEC activated. My syslog shows many timeout entries for well known domain names (like

Apr 28 19:39:01 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:39:03 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:39:04 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:39:04 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:39:04 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:39:04 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:39:04 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:39:05 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:42:46 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:42:46 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 
Apr 28 19:42:46 myserver named[756]: timed out resolving '': 

but the domain names are resolved properly with nslookup. What is happening here?

Thanks, Jan

Patrick Mevzek avatar
cn flag
Your log shows only records for `HTTPS` type, which is new and not yet standard, even if already deployed by some. Do you have problems with other record types too?
br flag
Thanks – I did not notice, but indeed all timeouts refer to HTTPS records. I am not familiar with the intricacies of DNS records – is there a way to fix this?
Patrick Mevzek avatar
cn flag
Maybe an issue with packet sizes. Of course make sure TCP/53 is open as well as UDP/53. Otherwise look at your network trafic. Cloudflare DNS resolver has no issue resolving those HTTPS records from my tests.

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