
iptables forward tcp port to another port on same host after connection already established

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i have a tcp server that prints messages it gets(without sending back) on port 1234 and another tcp server on port 5678. i have a client that already communicates with the 1234 server and i want to redirect it to the 5678 server.

i know how to redirect packet (with the connection request) ip tables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1234 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5678 but it not works if the connection already established on previous server, my question is how to enforce reconnection without the client to hang

A.B avatar
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If a *different* connection from the same client (ie: different source port) happens this won't alter the established connection and the new one(s) will be redirected. If you wanted to alter the established connection, supposing you had a way to do this, this wouldn't work for TCP because it's a connection-oriented protocol which keeps connection state. For UDP there could be options, but all of this doesn't make sense to me until you give a concrete example explaining what you want to do with an example and especially *why* you want to do it.
Andrey Obruchkov avatar
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@A.B i want to scan payload of a tcp connection(data that goes to some server on my machine) and drop packets that contain the word "hello" in it.
A.B avatar
cl flag
Edit your question to clarify it. Dropping isn't redirecting. Anyway redirecting probably not possible with iptables for TCP.

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