
keepalived virtual and real server in different subnets

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My goal is to forward the SMTP traffic from one unused server to another using keepalived. The problem is, that the other SMTP server is in different subnet. I have configured keepalive in the following way.

virtual_server 25 {
        delay_loop 10
        lb_algo rr
        lb_kind DR
        protocol TCP

        real_server 25 {
                weight 1
                SMTP_CHECK {
                        connect_timeout 5
                        retry 3
                        delay_before_retry 5
                        helo_name "lb-lan-1.local"

        real_server 25 {
                weight 1
                SMTP_CHECK {
                        connect_timeout 5
                        retry 3
                        delay_before_retry 5
                        helo_name "lb-lan-1.local"

However, it seems that this setup does not work for some reason. Is there a way to configure virtual and real IP in keepalive, but in different subnets?

Another workaround (i.e. OS settings) would be also considered as acceptable solution.


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