
Openldap mirror mode not working

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I have two openldap servers running v2.4.57 on Solaris. I'm trying to setup replication.

The first system, France, is setup and running. I then created Spain and ran ldapmodify on Spain using this ldif. I expected Spain to start replicating but nothing happens. I was expecting replication to just start. Any help is appreciated.


dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config

changetype: modify add: olcSyncRepl olcSyncRepl: rid=001 provider=ldap://france binddn="cn=Manager,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com" bindmethod="simple" credentials="s1mple" searchbase="dc=west,dc=example,dc=com" type=refreshAndPersist retry="5 5 300 5" timeout=1 starttls=critical

olcSyncRepl: rid=002 provider=ldap://spain binddn="cn=Manager,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com" bindmethod="simple" credentials="s1mple" searchbase="dc=west,dc=example,dc=com" type=refreshAndPersist retry="5 5 300 5" timeout=1 starttls=critical


add: olcMirrorMode

olcMirrorMode: TRUE


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