
Nginx - Block access to portion of path only, to all but specified IP range

cn flag

I'm trying block access to a portion of a path via Nginx, unless the source IP is within a specified range.

I think I've got this mostly working through much trial and error, but I seem to run into trouble when the path contains query strings:

Shouldn't work (unless within specified IP range):



Should work (even publicly):


/[email protected]&type=pro

Current location block:

   location ~ ^/(login|login/)$ {
    deny all;
    return 403;

Any suggestions would be most welcome, thanks!

tr flag

The following configuration only allows incoming requests to the /login URL path to be accessed from the IP address ranges and

server {

    location /login {
        if ($remote_addr ~ "^192\.168\.1\.\d{1,3}$") {
            allow all;
        if ($remote_addr ~ "^192\.168\.2\.\d{1,3}$") {
            allow all;
        deny all;


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