
How a database appear on LDAP RHDS 11 vs RHDS 10

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We are migrating RHDS 10 to 11. we have 4 databases that we have replicated thanks to 4 replications agreement. It's working fine. The 4 databases looks like this :

dc=example,dc=com (example DB)
ou=BusinessOrganizations,dc=example,dc=com (BusinessOrganizations DB)
ou=customer_people,dc=example,dc=com (customer_people DB)
ou=disable,dc=example,dc=com (disable)

When I look for them on Apache directory studio or trough :

ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -x -b  "" -s base namingContexts

On RHDS 10, I see the 4 databases, but on RHDS 11, I see only one DB the "main" one that is the top suffix: dc=example,dc=com (example DB). The others suffix are there, and the data too. But everything is under one single database dc=example,dc=com (example DB).

So when I am doing a query on the main database, it doesn't stop my reserver on that database, it's continue to fetch result on the others sub-suffix, even the fact that they are on a different database.

How can I tell RHDS 11 to behave like RHDS 10 on that please ? Is there an option to change please ?


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