
CIDR Address is not within CIDR Address from VPC

jp flag

I have created a custom VPC with CIDR of

I want to create 2 subnets for IPv4 block sizes must be between a /16 netmask and /28 netmask. Not able to get correct for /16 and /28

I am creating a public subnet for 1a and 1b Then for 1a public subnet IPv4 CIDR error is CIDR Address overlaps with existing Subnet CIDR:

For 1b public subnet CIDR Address overlaps with existing Subnet CIDR:

I am tryin g to first time. Need help for VPC.

Appleoddity avatar
ng flag
Your post is confusing and shows a lack of understanding of basic subnetting. Why are you creating a VPC with a CIDR that is so small? A VPC should be the largest block of addresses with plenty of room to split it up in to numerous subnets across multiple availability zones. A /27 gives you less than 32 ip addresses total to use across all of your subnets. It’s silly. Don’t put the cart before the horse. You should have a solid understanding of subnetting before you attempt to build a network.
Nikita Kipriyanov avatar
za flag
Do you accidentally created another subnet with address range equal to the VPC's (it could have been created automatically during VPC creation)? In this case everything will overlap with that subnet. Also, the question doesn't say anything clarifying its title — In what situation you got the message as in the title? Also, which cloud is this? // @Appleoddity that's not our business why he chose such a small VPC. Who knows, maybe there'll be only ten systems, in which case this is wise and correct approach.

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